Guess what came in the mail! My February Knit Crate! I received this crate for free and am excited to review it for you. If you know me, I will tell it like it is - if I don't like a yarn, you will know it because I won't recommend it for anything. That being said, I cannot wait to make this into something scrumptious. It is so soft! But let me back up for a little bit. What is Knit Crate, right? The short answer: A yarn subscription box. The long answer: Read this for all of the details. (I'm being lazy, but they really do spell it all out!)
Not all yarn sub boxes are created equal. If you go on the website and browse, you'll see that most of their fibers are natural and eco-friendly. Even better is that you can choose to have an eco-friendly subscription! Read this for more information about what they do to help the environment with each purchase! That being said, if you have wool allergies, true allergies, then this subscription probably isn't the best for you. But if you're not and you love getting surprises in the mail in the form of yarn, then this is worth looking into! Trust me.. it's a steal!

So what came in my crate? Beautiful soft goodness. Zoom in on the photo above and you MIGHT be able to read the information on the card. The left side tells you about the tree planting project for the month (I chose the eco friendly option). The right side tells you about the yarn in the crate and a link for the patterns of the month! The patterns alone are worth the cost of the box.
Oh, I forgot to mention that you can choose your own "vibe" for your subscriptions each month! There are three themes: Energize Me, All Natural, or Chill Out. These apply to the regular crate subscription as well as the sock crate. If you can't choose, no worries! You can pick Anything Goes and it'll be even more of a surprise! The yarn I received is a beautiful and soft gray, and there are 2 matching skeins, so plenty for a good sized project! I will be flipping through the patterns included, but more likely than not I'll be turning these into some luxurious fingerless mitts and I think I can get at least 3 pairs from these. Very excited about this and I can't wait to show you what I make!

Lastly, the extra this month is a cute heart shaped measuring tape! This is a good size and is printed with "All you need is yarn" on top. So useful, especially since my little one keeps taking mine to measure our floors.
Does this sound like something you'd love? Click this link to try it out or sign up for a subscription. *If you end up purchasing, I will receive a referral commission. You can cancel at any time, but who doesn't love a yarn surprise in the mail, right?